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《The Game(拳赛)》电子版简介

发布时间:2023-09-07 11:54责任编辑:姚小新
The Game(拳赛)
作者:Jack London
图书简介:On the eve of their wedding, twenty-year-old Jack Fleming arranges a secret ringside seat for his sweetheart to view her only rival: the "game." Through Genevieve's apprehensive eyes, we watch the prizefight that pits her fair young lover, "the Pride of West Oakland," against the savage and brutish John Ponta and that reveals as much about her own nature, and Joe's, as it does about the force that drives the two men in their violent, fateful encounter.Responding to a review that took him to task for his realism, Jack London wrote, "I have had these experiences and it was out of these experiences, plus a fairly intimate knowledge of prize-fighting in general, that I wrote The Game." With this intimate realism, London took boxing out of the realm of disreputable topics and set it on a respectable literary course that extends from A. J. Liebling to Ernest Hemingway to Joyce Carol Oates. The familiarity of London's boxing writing testifies to its profound influence on later literary commentators on the sport, while the story The Game tells remains one of the most powerful and evocative portraits ever given of prizefighters in the grip of their passion.杰克·伦敦:美国20世纪著名现实主义作家。他出身于美国旧金山的一个破产农民家庭。从1900年起,他连续发表和出版了许多小说,讲述美国下层人民的生活故事,揭露资本主义社会的罪恶。他的作品大都带有浓厚的社会主义和个人主义色彩,因此有人认为他是宣扬社会主义的作家,也有人认为他是表现个人主义和民众哲学的自然主义作家。他的作品在全世界都广为流传,是最受中国读者欢迎的外国作家之一。他一生著述颇丰,留下了19部长篇小说、150多篇短篇小说以及大量文学报告集、散文集和论文,最著名的有《马丁·伊登》、《野性的呼唤》、《白牙》、《热爱生命》、《海狼》、《铁蹄》等小说。他是世界文学史上最早的商业作家之一,因此被誉为商业作家的先锋。


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